Thursday, October 22, 2009

So you like the product reviews?

I have had a number of people ask me to do more product reviews. I kinda like the idea. Also, I kinda like the idea of maybe doing some vlogging. I don't really have the right kind of video camera, but we will see. I think I may get stage fright. Maybe in like 5 years, they will change the words of this song to "Vlogging killed the blogger star".

Maybe I will just post videos of other people. I have a bunch of videos from over the years and I need to do something with them. Maybe I will call it the "EMBARRASSING VIDEO OF THE DAY FROM THE DEPTHS OF BETTY'S HARD DRIVE" No? Yeah...that was lame. Well, I will think of something. UNTIL THEN, stick this in your pipe and smoke it.

Product Reviews of the Day:

A&W Diet Root Beer with Aged Vanilla

If you are like me, then you probably hate soda. I really can only stomach one kind, A&W Diet Root Beer. I think they just changed the recipe or something because it used to not taste this good, and they have a new label that says "With Aged Vanilla." I suggest you snag a can if you get the chance. I love it, and I hate soda.

And.... just for fun. Here is a video of my amazing brother...teaching us all a dance:

1 comment:

  1. we all watched the video together and laughed- the "my friend Sarah" comment was the best :)
