Thursday, August 18, 2011

Day 2: The Love of your Life

Today, gaze at everyone wondering whether they might be the one true love of your life, the one destined for you and you alone, and whether you might be passing them by forever...act in consequence.

The only male I have seen today has been Norm. And while he is sweet and kind, low maintenance, and rather ferocious, 1'm 95% sure he isn't the one.

I work today from 2-8, something may pop up there... I'll let you know. However, there is an extreme imbalance in the male to female ratio at the store though...the cute running men are far and few between.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

My life is average.

It has happened. My life is average. I need to change that ASAP.

I bought this book:

Seems pretty promising...365 days of hysterical living? YES, PLEASE!

Here we go. Day 1.

The book advises not to make too drastic of a change on the first day. They call day 1 a "warm up." It has a long lost of things I can choose from like, do one push-up, tell someone your middle name, bookmark a new website, insult an insect.... ok here is the one I choose...decide which of your toes is the prettiest. 

Wow. I feel cooler already.