I know you are all probably really sick of the "Green Revolution" but I happen to think it is very interesting. I am in no way a "greenie" but I do envy those who are rich enough to live in such a way. I would love to be able to buy all local food, spend hundreds at Whole Foods, and drive a Prius. The sad thing is, the media have made the idea of "going green" and turned it into a trendy thing. I have been doing some research and there are a couple things that we can do that don't require a major lifestyle overhaul, OR a raise. These suggestions will not be a surprise, but will help save natural resources, and money.
1. Turn off lights
2. Take a 5 min. shower
3. Fix up a bike and ride it whenever possible.
4. Do full loads of laundry
5. Put trash in a trash can
5. Buy products with as little packaging as possible.
6. Donate clothes, shoes, and household items to a thrift store, instead of throwing them away.
7. Drink tap water in a reusable bottle instead of bottled water. Tap water regulations are more strict than bottled water in most states.
8. Use rags instead of paper towels
9. Use cloth napkins
10. Eat leftovers