Monday, March 29, 2010

Netflix for the WIN.

Netflix: quite possibly the most amazing invention of all time.

I'm sure Blockbuster and Hollywood Video are trying to deny it, but Netflix revolutionized the way people rent and watch movies. Red Box was doing the same, but in my humble opinion, Red Box has missed the boat. Yes, they are convenient, but I can't even tell you how many times I have wanted a specific movie, and Red Box lets me down. Not to mention, I despise their "no late fees" disguise. I'm pretty sure I could buy a few DVDs for the amount of money I have spent on Red Box DVDs because I wasn't back by 7/9 p.m., or I forgot to grab the DVD and return it...for a few days/weeks.

Netflix is amazing. I signed up in a fit of compulsion last Wednesday, and so far I have watched 7 movies. I have received 1 DVD in the mail, but have been able to watch all the rest on my computer, straight from the internet. I have watched movies that I would never rent, and I ended up LOVING them! I will send yall suggestions every so often, because this is one subscription I am KEEPIN'!

So far, here are some of my favorites:

No Impact Man
Food Inc.
Little Shop of Horrors
Hannah Montana: The Movie (shut up. it is awesome.)


  1. I agree about Hannah Montana whole heartedly. And Netflix. I love Netflix. We've had a subscription for about 4 years or so and we love it. However, I do love that I can reserve a movie on redbox and then go pick it up...

  2. a. i could totally hear your voice in this post b. i LOVED food inc. c. hannah montana??? haha whatever you say. i mean if i liked b spears' crossroads i'm bound to like HM, right?

  3. I actually like Hannah Montana too! I thought it was cute. I can't stand the TV show though.
