Thursday, April 1, 2010

It's that time of year again!

I woke up with a sore throat the other morning. Don't you hate when that happens? I think, oh great, what do the next few days to a week hold in store? Well, lucky for me, the previous day, my friend Coleen told me about a recipe her family uses (and swears by) when they get a sore throat. It is so simple, and I am a true testimonial because I did it, and I didn't get sick!

Here it is:

1/4 C hot water
1 tsp salt
1 tbsp vinegar (I used apple cider vinegar)

Mix together and gargle as far back in your throat as you can. Use all of the mixture! Nasty stuff will come out, so make sure you are over a sink. It might burn a little, but that is a good thing. Only do it 2 times a day, or you will burn your throat. Follow with two packets of Emergen-C...just to be safe. Ta-Dah!

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