Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Stop it. You are being a loser.

I'm all about goals. I hate when people waste their potential just because they have talked themselves out of being AMAZING. They set goals that are nonthreatening, easily attainable and just as easily ignored. The set goals that, if accomplished, don't really change anything one way or the other. STOP IT. I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!
Are you happy with the trajectory of where your life is headed?
Honestly answer the question. 
Now take out a piece of paper. NOW. I'm serious. I mean it. Don't sit there acting like you are too cool, or too busy, just do it. You are about to change your life.
Take a few minutes to really think about what your life will look like in 10 years. In paragraph form, answer the following questions to help you visualize your future better :
Your VISION is set 10 years in the future, is clear and concise (one to two paragraphs) with enough detail to feel complete, and incorporates all major domains of our life: health, personal and career. Your vision should move you emotionally and make excited – maybe even a little nervous. Use present tense language and  write it as if you are already there. Make sure it is authentic to you and grounded in your most sincere passions. Use the following questions to help you write your vision.
1.What would you dare to do if you knew you could not fail?
2. Describe what you see, hear, and feel in your ideal life.
3. Who is there?
4. How do you spend your time?
5. Where do you spend your time?
Now that you have written down what you want to see, lets come up with some POWERFUL goals to help you accomplish your dream. Goals are what it takes to make your vision happen. It’s the “work” part.
Our goals are powerful! When we write powerful goals, we make sure we:
  • Trickle back.
    Set your 10-year goals first, then move backwards to your five-year and one-year goals.
  • Keep it quantifiable.
    You should always be able to measure your goals (and, in the same way, our success).
  • Are specific.
    It’s easier to do something if we know what that thing is. That’s why we precisely articulate the desired activity, object or outcome in our goals.
  • Use the present tense.
    Write your vision and goals in the present tense to make them more attainable.
  • Use affirmative language.
    Accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative. Keep your goals clear by stating what we want, not what we don’twant.
  • Include a by-when date.
    We use by-when dates to motivate us and give our goals structure. Deadlines give people drive!
Now that you know the attributes of goal setting, find your piece of paper again. Write down two or three goals for each of the following categories:
Example: I save (present tense) $5,000 for graduate school (quantifiable and specific) by December 2012 (by when date)
Ready? GO!
10 Year Goals
5 Year Goals
1 Year Goals

Put your goals somewhere where you will see them often and be reminded of the huge success that is waiting for you. Share this with friends and pretty soon, we will all be on our way to being happier, healthier, more productive people.

 You're Welcome. 

*This post was adapted through many sites and goal setting blogs, including my lifetime of knowledge.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Studying for the GRE

Elizabeth : Analogies

a. Peanut butter : Cacti
b. Utes : Cougars
c. Nike : Adidas
d. Santa Clause : Cookies

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Christmas list 2011.

Hey! If any of you are looking for any last-minute gift ideas for me, I have one. I'd like Frank Shirley, my boss, right here tonight. I want him brought from his happy holiday slumber over there on Melody Lane with all the other rich people and I want him brought right here, with a big ribbon on his head, and I want to look him straight in the eye and I want to tell him what a cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-ass, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed sack of monkey shit he is! Hallelujah! Holy shit! Where's the Tylenol? 

Ahhhhh 'tis the season!

So, if any of you are looking for some last minute Christmas gift ideas for me, here are some suggestions:

Don't mention it.

Failure Club

Morgan Spurlock, you are my hero.

Click on this and watch it:

This is a video from yahoo so I can't embed it, but you need to watch it.

Now that you have watched it, what is your failure club?

Failing at something can actually be kinda fun. The experience you get, the friends you meet, the things you learn...all fun. Right? Maybe?

Well, I want to try something crazy. What should I do?  Since I'm obsessed with lists, let's just start naming things I would love to do as part of my own personal "failure club".

Move to Italy and learn Italian
Go to graduate school
Get a real job with a real salary
Move to a big city and start from zero
Be an acrobat
Learn to ice skate
Be an editor for a magazine
Write a book
Finish first in my age group in some race or triathlon
Complete an Ironman
Run a full marathon
Learn to dance
Own a mini cooper

Get a tan

All these things seem doable, if only I wasn't so scared of FAILING. So I'm just going to pick one... a small one to start out with... and I'll see if it's fun. I would really like to go to grad school, the only problem is, I have NO idea what I would get a graduate degree in. Journalism? English composition? Mass Communications? Public Administration? Help me! I'm going to start by studying for the GRE, and learning about application deadlines and pre-requisites and stuff like that.... wish me luck. Any and all advice will be appreciated!

Notice I didn't start with "get a tan". That would be so disheartening right off.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Google Releases top 10 "Googled" phrases for 2011, it leads me to this....

Apparently, "Rebecca Black" was the number one most "googled"phrase in 2011. I find that REALLY hard to believe. Who is this chick? She is TERRIBLE. I can't sing to save my life, and I am better than her.

If you do watch this video, please don't send me a bill for the time you wasted watching it. The comments are pretty funny though. Totally worth a read.

And, since you are probably wondering, here is the complete list of the top 10 most searched phrases:

1. Rebecca Black
2. Google+
3. Ryan Dunn
4. Casey Anthony
5. Battlefield 3
6. iPhone5
7. Adele
8. 東京 電力 (Tepco)
9. Steve Jobs
10. iPad2

Kill me now.

RIP iPod Shuffle

Out with the old... In with the new.
The Apple store really is one of the most fascinating places to shop. The workers are all hip and with it and probably pray to Steve Jobs at the beginning of each shift. People walk in there and drop thousands of dollars without batting an eye. I'm not one of those people. I was going in to see if there was anyway to squeeze life out of my overworked $49 iPod.  I literally saw someone walk in and say "I need 5 iPads" and then pay and leave in about 10 minutes. That's a lot of coin. I hope I'm on that dude's list. 

Upon entering the store, I was greeted immediately by one of these said hipsters.  He was cute, kind, jovial, wearing red for the season and his name tag said "Harris". I doubt that was his real name, because who would name their kid Harris? Anyway, I told "Harris" I made an appointment with the Genius Bar because my ipod shuffle was broken. I was expecting him to say "ok, go back there... they will help you" but instead he surprised me and asked asked what was wrong. I explained that it crackled loudly in my headphones and wouldn't play music. I think he realized this was a little bit more involved than he has presumed and he directed me back to the back of the store where I was supposed to find "Maddy". Come to think of it, he may have thought I was a dumb girl who didn't understand technology. Little does he know I have an iMac, an iPhone, an iPod Classic, Mini, and Shuffle, oh and a remote for my iMac so I can watch movies while in bed. I'm a seasoned Apple gal "Harris"...if that IS your REAL name.....but it sure was nice of you to ask... you probably have saved people a lot of time by helping them with little fixes here and there...presheeatechya!

I checked in with "Maddy" and waited in the sea of people. I was only waiting about three minutes when a very nice man came up and called me by name. He listend while I explained the problems I was having with my iPod shuffle and then he went in the back to see if he could fix it.

I said I had had the ipod for about 2 years... I was way off. I had had it for 4 years. That is a long time, and a lot of miles my little red running buddy and I have shared. Oh the memories. 

In just a few minutes, he returned. In almost a disheartened doctor tone, he explained to me there was nothing he could do. My iPod was out of warranty by three years and was pooping out for good.


I traded in the old one for the new one and they gave me some money toward the new iPod in exchange. I like Green Bean. I think we will enjoy our first run together tomorrow. Maybe I'll even run into someone who wants to buy me an iPad for Christmas...

Monday, December 5, 2011

It's the first week of December and I have been seriously lacking in my blogging. I don't know if anything I have going on right now is blog-worthy, but my life is pretty awesome. I'm seriously loving it. 

I rearranged my room.
I went shopping and basically bought a whole new wardrobe.
I'm obsessed with Nordstrom.
I'm writing a cookbook. 
I made way too many cookies last night.
I spend way too much time on pinterest, but I really do make the things I see on it.
For the first time in a long time, I want it to snow, and I want it to snow A TON.
I'm going to Austin, Texas tomorrow. 
I have seen the movie The Help two times and now I'm reading the book. 
I have an addiction to NPS and DI.
I can't wait to see my mommy and Kirk at Christmas.
Cowboys and Aliens was a TERRIBLE movie.

Saturday, October 15, 2011


I, like the T-Rex, have a hard time doing push-ups. It's all about body proportion. Ask anyone.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Day 2: The Love of your Life

Today, gaze at everyone wondering whether they might be the one true love of your life, the one destined for you and you alone, and whether you might be passing them by forever...act in consequence.

The only male I have seen today has been Norm. And while he is sweet and kind, low maintenance, and rather ferocious, 1'm 95% sure he isn't the one.

I work today from 2-8, something may pop up there... I'll let you know. However, there is an extreme imbalance in the male to female ratio at the store though...the cute running men are far and few between.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

My life is average.

It has happened. My life is average. I need to change that ASAP.

I bought this book:

Seems pretty promising...365 days of hysterical living? YES, PLEASE!

Here we go. Day 1.

The book advises not to make too drastic of a change on the first day. They call day 1 a "warm up." It has a long lost of things I can choose from like, do one push-up, tell someone your middle name, bookmark a new website, insult an insect.... ok here is the one I choose...decide which of your toes is the prettiest. 

Wow. I feel cooler already. 

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Cooking Blogs

I would love to profess that I am an excellent chef but alas, I am not. The good thing is, I'm really good at making friends with people who are. Meet my friend Angie. Her blog is amazing and I have tried manyof the things she posts. THEY ARE DELICIOUS and you don't needa degree in chemistry or french to figure out what she is talking about. Very simple and delicious recipes.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4th of July!

The 4th of July is my FAVORITE holiday. I love it more than Christmas! The last two 4th of July's have been pretty lame, but this year made up for them x 10.

We went to Idaho and met my Mom and Kirk. We stayed at Grandpa's house and the weekend was packed with good food, entertainment, and lots and lots of SUN!

We arrived late Saturday night so the real fun didn't start until Sunday. We woke up and went for a run but it was SO HOT. Running in the heat is certainly something I will have to train to do because it was awful. After the run, we all ate breakfast and then went to Church with Grandpa. After church we went to Ron and Leslie's house for dinner. The food this weekend was great. Summer food is devine. Potato salad, corn on the cob, BBQ meat, watermelon (which I kind of hate) and delicious desserts were everywhere. I gained about 10 lbs this weekend.

Monday was the greatest day ever. We woke up and went to the parade in downtown Middleton Idaho. Small towns are where the 4th should be celebrated. I'm convinced it is the only way. The parade was cute and pretty short but the best part was the fire hoses! The fire trucks turned on their hoses and people ran in the water and got sprayed. It was seriously so fun. I felt like I was 5 again, just living for Summer. After we got totally and completely soaked, we went to Lunch at Sizzler. Not my favorite place, but it was good. Then we went shopping for a bit, I made a pie, and then it was time to eat again... BBQ at Aunt Leslie's house again.

My uncle Ron built a HUGE water slide in his backyard so we went down that and it was the GREATEST. I LOVE water slides. I am thinking of quitting my job and going to work at a water park somewhere. After the water slide, pool, lots and lots of food, I was totally and completely exhaused. We went home and tried to nap just a bit but it wasn't working out so well because al the little kids were amped up on excitement for the fireworks. My Aunt Leslie won $200 worth of fireworks so my cousin Ryan set them up for the kids and lit them off in front of Grandpa's house. After our own fireworks show, we walked down the street to where the Middleton fireworks were and waiting for a bit for them to start. This small town with just over 1200 people in it had AMAZING fireworks!!!! HUGE ones where you felt like they were going to land right on top of you. There were a couple impromptu explosions and huge flame clouds that flew up into the air.... not really sure where those came from but they were awesome to watch.

After the fireworks show, we decided to leave Boise. That's right...5 hour drive starting at about midnight. It was fun though. We made it home safely and I can safely say that was one of the best 4ths I have had YET.

Next big family vacation: Disneyland for CHRISTMAS!

Friday, May 20, 2011

It's May...

I'm 25 now. I feel old. People my age with blogs talk about their kids. I have none, so I will talk about myself. I like to run. I have a new road bike. I joined a cross fit gym. I am so over the rain. My mind is full of unanswered questions, but ones I don't really want the answers to. I have a lot of really great friends and this summer I am going to be the very best version of myself.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Christmas 2010!

Please don't judge me for my baby voices. These kids bring it right out of me!